Why Fall awareness is important?
Falls and their resultant injuries pose a significant challenge to both individuals and society at large. Falls not only compromise the well-being and independence of those affected but also exert a substantial economic burden on healthcare systems globally. In the United States alone, the direct medical costs associated with fall injuries exceeded $50 billion annually, a figure that continues to escalate due to the aging population and rising healthcare expenses. Beyond immediate medical care expenses, fall-induced fractures often lead to prolonged rehabilitation periods, increased dependency on healthcare services, and a higher risk of long-term disability. Addressing this issue is not just a matter of individual safety but a crucial step in alleviating the strain on healthcare resources and reducing the immense financial toll imposed by falls. Offering predictive capabilities to anticipate and potentially prevent fall-induced fractures could revolutionize the approach to mitigating this pervasive health concern.
FallAware™, a modified FRAX Predictor1,2, is a cutting-edge tool designed to predict Fall-induced bone fractures. FallAware is built based on a comprehensive and robust database developed by medical experts. Building on the foundation of the widely recognized FRAX model, our tool integrates crucial factors like patient-specific socioeconomic characteristics and a detailed history of previous falls and other comorbidities of the patients. This enhanced approach provides a more comprehensive and personalized risk assessment solution for healthcare providers.
FallAware doesn’t just prioritize safety—it’s a game-changer in alleviating healthcare strain and reducing the colossal financial toll inflicted by falls.
The FallAware tool is intended to serve as a supplementary tool to assist healthcare professionals in the decision-making process and management of fall-induced hip fractures. It is important to note that this tool does not replace clinical judgment, decision-making, or expert opinions.
Select References:
- Kanis, J.A., Oden, A., McCloskey, E.V., Johansson, H., Wahl, D.A., Cooper, C. and IOF Working Group on Epidemiology and Quality of Life, 2012. A systematic review of hip fracture incidence and probability of fracture worldwide. Osteoporosis international, 23, pp.2239-2256.
- McCloskey, E.V., Harvey, N.C., Johansson, H., Lorentzon, M., Liu, E., Vandenput, L., Leslie, W.D. and Kanis, J.A., 2022. Fracture risk assessment by the FRAX model. Climacteric, 25(1), pp.22-28.